You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2008.

I like my things to look cute, nice, pretty … whatever.

So I decided to make cover for my fifty-cents notebook which have the ugly blue cover.

Now, I like it so much… I will attempt to finish up my tasks just so that I can go to it to cross out my tasks for the day and also to touch and caress it.


Anyone would like one too?  I am thinking of making them for Ash’s teachers for Teachers’ Day … I have 4 months to get it done.

There was a request for a “how to” for the diaper bag with changing mat that I had sewn so I decided to sew another and try to write a tutorial for it.
However, since it is my first… please forgive me if it is not clear at all.
What you need:
Fleece 31″ by 14″
Patterned Fabric 31″ 14″
Elastic band 4″
Sewing machine … unless you are patient enough to sew all by hand.
Matching thread
Cut out your fleece and patterned fabric, each measuring 31″ by 14″
Fold the patterned fabric into half, lengthwise, right sides together.
Then press.
Machine stitch the sides of the patterned fabric, leaving a wide enough gap at the top width.
This is to allow you to turn the fabric right side out.
Turn the patterned fabric right side out and press.
Fold the fabric in half width-wise and mark the mid point at the top width.
Insert the elastic band (which is folded in half) into the gap at the top width where you have marked.
Pin it in place.
Top-stitch the top width, reinforce stitching at where the elastic band is.
Place fleece and patterned fabric together, right-sides facing.
(For the patterned fabric, choose the side which has the nicest, neatest stitch to be your ride side.)
You will notice that the fleece is now bigger than the fabric.  You can choose to trim of the excess… I chose not to.
ZigZag stitch the sides of the fleece to beautify it.
Place the fleece and fabric right sides together, pin and sew the sides together.
(I am assuming that you will know not the sew the top width… and there will be the extra bit of the fleece at the top width, that is to allow your little cutie to lie.)
Turn the almost complete bag right side out and fold your bag to the desired size, mark point where the button should be and sew in the button.
Okay… I do not have a picture of the bag with the button sewn on as it was already one in the morning and Aver was cranky… teething issue.
Oh… as for the fleece, you can fold it into the bag when you are not using it.
Since I have ran out of space to upload more pictures in Flicker for this month,  you can see how the bag should look like HERE.

I finished the crochet basket the night before while watching a Korean drama … what a way to multi-task.

I am and will be making more for the toys so that the children’s room can be a little tidier .. I hope.

I must thank Superpig as he willingly brought us to Spotlight to buy more yarns.

Plus he also gave me more ideas and even encouraged me to go for it.

Also I like to Karin of Orange Flower  for helping me with my enquiries.


Okay, I am totally throwing out the project list that i had created bfore.

I am totally not following it and really sometimes I chance upon something on the internet and realised that particular project looking at me is more appealing that those I had planned.

Another reason for throwing it out… I am running very short of time.

How do crafters out there do it?

Work, children, housework, husband, crafts….

I am overwhelmed…

Actually, I did no crafts for the past week and am totally out of sorts. I feel as if I am going down into the depths of depression. 

I told Superpig that I need to craft before I can do any other things … I am so desperate now!

Currently, I am working on a crochet basket/bag for Aver’s toys.

Pattern can be found at Orange Flower

Finally completed the “healing” craft project.

It is quite therapuetic to push the needle and thread through the fabric and to see the picture appearing.

I like the way it turned out because it look simple yet it is very unique.

My Superpig felt that it is too simple but the pattern is cute.

What do you think?

Now that the bibs are completed, I am unsure what to do with them.

Aver has too many bibs and so there really is no need to add more to the collection.

Should I put them up for sale?  What are they worth? 

Why not give me some suggestions?

April 2008

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