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Will be exploring the theme of love in my doodling. I am also thinking of incorporating painting with doodling.

This is really exciting.



It is very addictive and really very calming on a hectic day at work. In a span of two days, I accomplished quite a bit. Happy day.







I was jumping around in YouTube searching for more tips and tricks on acrylic painting and I chanced upon a video on zentangle and I googled it.

It was something that I had done before in my teens years but back then, I don’t think there was a name to it, except doodling. I remembered that I covered my whole cover page of a writing pad and it was fun continuing on the patterns. I had a good scolding by my mum for wasting my time and I never did it again.

So I did a little read up on the net and found out what it actually was and was inspired by Sandy Bartholomew of BEEZ in the Belfry.

So, I tried to bring back the fun.



I must say that doing these were really fun and therapeutic. I like the way the page got filled up.

Being an art student who took Art as a subject for my O’Level, it would be a shame if I just let painting be part of a history in my life.

I used to love painting but hated the fact that I had to do it under a stipulated time… which to me is an impossible task.  I can only paint when the mood is right. Sitting in a classroom with my peers trying to do a still life painting was never such a right time.

I bought some cheap canvas … small ones too and tried to paint.

Not easy… after so many years of ‘rest’.

So I  tried it with poster paint on drawing paper.  I hated the fact that when the paint dried the paper curled.  Still, it came out quite okay.  I called it Grow in the Light.


Then I decided to transfer the same (almost the same) concept to the canvas and using acrylic paint.  This one I named it Love Is In The Air.  The theme comes in well with the upcoming Valentine’s Day.

When I find some free time, I should paint more just because it is fun.

What do you think?

January 2012

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